Thursday, July 11, 2013

Man of Steel

First I must admit that I saw this movie twice. TWICE! I cannot give it a proper review because each time I was distracted while watching it. Well hello, Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) is easy on the eyes but that wasn't it. There was just so much happening with the history and the length of the film that my second time watching it I fell a sleep. I don't fall asleep during movies so this wasn't a normal thing. Granted this could have been from the exhaustion of crazy life happening but still, I am saying there is a bias going into this review.
Sharing all that I will say it was generally a good movie. Could things have been taken out? Yes. Where there too many story lines going on? Yes. So, this story could have been made into two movies. On one hand was the history of who Superman man was and where he came from. This wasn't the first movie ever made though. I think that is why the writer David Goyer believed there needed to be the villain of General Zod (Michael Shannon). The villain was helpful because it was apart of the story of where he came from and connecting Clark to his original home.
Great, we have a connection of his previous world and Earth... Sound familiar? THOR.. cough cough. For you avid comic book fans you can tell me if I am wrong but I don't know the Superman story and his origins and all that so this all seemed to fit under the present Marvel franchise. Which good for them and creating all this head way. I am a Marvel fan, I enjoyed Spiderman (all four), Avengers, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America and Hulk. Well I haven't seen the remake but I did enjoy them so I am in no way trying to put them down. Although it is become clear that this happens to be a franchise.
I must give credit to Lois Lane, I think Amy Adams gave her more of that stronger women persona. Granted it is a strong 21st women. Which don't get me wrong I love a strong woman but I think we are over shadowing men a little too much and they are being seen as having no back bone in the world by television, movies, and ad. It's a little much for me. They wonder why woman can't find a man, stop putting them in such a light of being weak, all I'm say.
Now I will stop with rants and basically with this movie, I am sure you will end up seeing this at some point with friends who are Marvel fans. There was nothing too crazy or outstanding. It could have been shortened or broken into two movies rather than having two strong story lines overlapping like they did. Of course there is an ending that just shows this is not going to be the last Superman, which I cannot complain.

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