Thursday, October 28, 2010


We all follow something. Faith, teachers, celebrities, the earth, or whatever. But what makes us want to follow them? I know I have not been at this two long, but I see a lot of you read what I write. I just want some feed back, I am serious about writing and want to expand in every way I can. Could you leave a comment? Do you enjoy the story or is it okay. Anything would be helpful. I will read ALL the comments. I will even comment back because any kind of feed back is helpful. If you like what I write you could even follow me. I am not begging her I am simply curious. I see other sites of people who do similar things and if I like what they wrote I tell them. Even if I enjoyed it but they could have added a twist. I can read a story so many times, feel like it could use something but not sure of what. But I continue on writing till I realize the more I edit and read it loses it's story.
This may seem like crying and whining, of why not follow me, I don't get what's wrong. But seriously I am just curious about what you think. Seriously I want to know what YOU think. Do you enjoy what I write and check it out for that purpose? If so thank you very much! If you don't enjoy my writing and you check it out to see what I have written and think I should expand in a way, tell me. Or you just hit the next blog ended up her and then kept going, whatever it is. If you feel uncomfortable telling me I have it so I receive anonymous comments or you could email me,

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