Friday, October 29, 2010


I was thinking about the way I dress and thought of The Devil Wears Prada in the scene where "the devil" was telling Anne Hathaway that the sweater that she was wearing was actually picked for her. The designers of high end fashion choose the color, material, and stitch. She is simply picked for the outfit she was wearing without realizing. Do you think that what you wear and your own personal style was picked for you but what someone else thought you should be wearing? When walking into your closet is a designer in your head and your like they, this is how their photos of their clothing are and their models. Or do you think, "Oh this is cute!" "I want to wear this." I think that is most likely how it happened.
Each person has their own style and fashion. Why copy the models or people you see around them. You might like what they are wearing, that does not mean you should be wearing that. Wear what describes your personality and what makes you feel comfortable. The whole, beauty is pain thoughts are ridiculous. We are all born beautiful. Sure we have a little upkeep but that does not mean we have to struggle everyday to be accepted with our dress. Sure their are standards for the area your in. Whether it be the work place, school, social, etc. But we can meet the minimal standards and add our own spin. WHo said women to be profession have to wear heels? Or men have to wear suits to be taken seriously? Wear what says who you are. Don't wear something to play apart, unless your an actor. You are who you are and no one likes being played. The way you dress says more than you think.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


We all follow something. Faith, teachers, celebrities, the earth, or whatever. But what makes us want to follow them? I know I have not been at this two long, but I see a lot of you read what I write. I just want some feed back, I am serious about writing and want to expand in every way I can. Could you leave a comment? Do you enjoy the story or is it okay. Anything would be helpful. I will read ALL the comments. I will even comment back because any kind of feed back is helpful. If you like what I write you could even follow me. I am not begging her I am simply curious. I see other sites of people who do similar things and if I like what they wrote I tell them. Even if I enjoyed it but they could have added a twist. I can read a story so many times, feel like it could use something but not sure of what. But I continue on writing till I realize the more I edit and read it loses it's story.
This may seem like crying and whining, of why not follow me, I don't get what's wrong. But seriously I am just curious about what you think. Seriously I want to know what YOU think. Do you enjoy what I write and check it out for that purpose? If so thank you very much! If you don't enjoy my writing and you check it out to see what I have written and think I should expand in a way, tell me. Or you just hit the next blog ended up her and then kept going, whatever it is. If you feel uncomfortable telling me I have it so I receive anonymous comments or you could email me,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I thought the main to work out was doing something very physical strenuous, running, weights, constantly moving. But sometimes it can be fun but it can get boring if you fall into a pattern of doing the same thing. Or if you work out on your own and there are only so many things you know. Whichever you so choose, sometimes a work out is there to help you clear your head but instead we do these work out that tire us out even more, fill our head with loud heart bumping movement, and have to deal with the people working out around us.
To take a break from this routine, I know it is not for everyone, but try a yoga or something similar to a yoga work out such as pilates. When you enter the room, the people with their shoes off, laying on a mat and looking relaxed with through you off. Get over it. Put you mat down, pick a spot you feel comfortable in and lay down on your mat. Do not push the movements, and if you see an instructor go to correct you by touching you or pushing you more then you can handle, RUN or tell them, no thank you. Since about August I have started doing yoga, and most of my workouts have become yoga.
The week is so busy. I am running around and so much to think about. Being able to take and hour where you just go through the movement slowly and focus on your breathing. The day slips away. You get to actually relax. The crackberry, iphone, or driod, is hopefully in the car and you can let those worries wait. Relaxing is needed for your daily health. Being stressed lead to weight gain, loss of sleep, and break outs. No one wants that. Especially when you are no longer a teenager. I understand it is not for everyone, but just a change of pace, even if it was once a month.
Then you can go to running around like crazy, stressed, cell phone connected to you like its an organ rather than a device, and sleeping for five hours. But when then next week approaches you might find yourself wanting the deep feeling of relaxation again.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Crackberry's, iphones, driod's, touch screens, sliders, flip phones, etc... We all have one. A cell phone. Something we have on us daily, text on it daily, and make a call or two. After writing my first generation piece I spoke with friends just in a conversation and they said how disrespectful, disconnected, and mean our generation and those below us are. Many elders liek to say those younger than them are "bratty kids", but now they can say it all they want. Can we blame a cell phone for truly creating this environment? I would like to say no, sure we can blame society, parents, schools, friends, etc. Why do we need to blame someone? Our generation has been forced to grow up and stay young to fast. We were handed a cell phone, well most of us in middle school, told how to use a computer in elementary school, and giving ways to communicate faster than any other generation.
Those older say it is a wonderful thing we were given, technology. But does it stop being wonderful and become a problem? Kids do not hang out with their friends outside anymore. When driving do you have an issues of hitting a kid playing with his friends in the street or are you more worried about the animals in the road? Kids are not being active outside anymore, they stay indoors on this wonderful technology all night, becoming sleep deprived. The New York Times did an article on the early issues set on my texting. When your young you need to be active adventures, finding who you are and what the world is. Instead of searching we google it. Instead of finding the world, we type it into navigation and have a device direct us.
I envy the older generations. The way they thought and saw the world will never been seen today. We can still have a few old souls, but actually reading a book, one with multiple pages, in the hundreds department, and pages, not a kindle. Today if the first page is not interesting we throw the book away. People used to go dozen to 100 pages deep before giving up on a book. Now many people don't even publish a book, they create a blog, like this, and share.